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Gutterspace brawls

…this is like finding out the football world cup is on when the semis have started. Go here, and vote now.

About Samit Basu

Novelist. Best known for fantasy and science fiction work. Most recently, The City Inside (Tordotcom)/Chosen Spirits (Simon and Schuster)


9 thoughts on “Gutterspace brawls

  1. Which idiot put Moore and Gaiman in the same half of the draw? And I was really hoping to see BKV and Morrison pull off an upset (sorry to Gaiman fans). However, was pleased to see Byrne and Claremont exit early.

    Posted by Gamesmaster G9 | September 27, 2005, 4:12 pm
  2. Jenkins beat Diggle in the first round! How did that happen? And someone really doesn’t like Morrison – did you see his draw? He had to beat Simone, Ellis and Brubaker to get to the QF’s. And who thought of pitting Simone against Morrison in the first round anyway?

    Posted by Gamesmaster G9 | September 27, 2005, 4:35 pm
  3. yeah, would have ideally liked the moore-gaiman thing to be the final. BKV, Willigham, Simone definitely deserved better than they got. Still, interesting format, really forces people to choose. The other half of the draw really a lot easier.

    Posted by samit | September 27, 2005, 5:52 pm
  4. hey, i like Ellis! not the greatest writer (like Moore), sure, but Transmet *is* brillo.

    Posted by gideon the gorilla | September 28, 2005, 4:19 am
  5. damn, i wish the race between Moore and Gaiman was tighter. Gaiman is great. acknowledge that, fools! i should’ve voted for him.

    Posted by gideon the gorilla | September 28, 2005, 4:21 am
  6. I voted for gaiman. It was a decision that kept me up all night but I did it. Went with the heart and not the brain.

    And Ellis. Most definitely a good writer. Transmet is ludicrously great and what about Planetary and Orbiter then?

    Posted by Abhimanyu | September 28, 2005, 2:24 pm
  7. True Ellis is great, but he was unlucky to come up against the incredible Grant Morrison early on. In spite of Ultimate Fantastic Four, Stormwatch and Transmetropolitan, he couldn’t beat JLA, New X-Men, Seven Soldiers, Animal Man, We3, The Filth and The Invisibles.

    Posted by Gamesmaster G9 | September 28, 2005, 6:59 pm
  8. you missed out Arkham Asylum. i had no difficulty reading the lettering on that one. that’s also a fascinating book. positively menacing.

    Posted by gideon the gorilla | September 29, 2005, 5:25 am
  9. can i say ‘positively menacing’? depends on who’s being the menace, i suppose.

    Posted by gideon the gorilla | September 29, 2005, 5:28 am

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September 2005
